
Stablecoin Ecosystem | Dimitri Orga Alumni Report (Clon)

Stablecoin Ecosystem | Dimitri Orga Alumni Report (Clon)
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New alumni report for the entire Tutellian community!

Last month we already published the alumni report of the supertutellian Juan Prieto CELO: A blockchain with purpose and DeFi and we already have the report for this month of July ready

Dimitri Orga, supertutelliano and alumni of the Tokenization Bootcamp '19 is the author of the Stablecoins Ecosystem report. This research work collects the main functionalities and characteristics of stablcoins in the crypto world. Learn more about the ecosystem of stable assets, their types and different financial structures to maintain parity. What future do stablecoins hold for us?

👇Here you have the interview with Dimitri Orga, and below you can download the full report

LINK VID YT (correcting a few tweaks, done by Friday)


The alumni reports are research papers prepared by the students of our Bootcamps. The alumni apply their knowledge in a practical way by preparing the report around the crypto ecosystem. The topics are of free choice and can be elaborated in groups or individually. If you want to form a group and/or write your own alumni report, write to our facilitator Xavi on Discord. DM @xavi#0909 


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