
New times, new Tutellus

New times, new Tutellus

"Only species that know how to adapt to the environment survive"

This famous quote from Charles Darwin in "The origin of species" It can be applied to any company. Companies are born, grow and disappear, it is inevitable. But only those that know how to adapt manage to prolong their life. At Tutellus we have always been very clear about this and we try to constantly evolve. For more than 1 year we have been redefining and working on new branding and the brand of the new Tutellus, and the time has come to share it with you.

1. From platform to Community.

Tutellus was born in 2012 as a collaborative platform for online education. Platforms have functionality, features, and tangible aspects. They allow you to access products or services, buy, pay, learn, charge, and promote.

But Tutellus is no longer that, it stopped being just a platform in 2018 and began to transform into a Community.

A Community is something more intangible and is based on values, not functionality. In the community, users trust each other. The links established between the brand (Tutellus) and the users (Tutellianos) are much more intense. It's not about [only] functionalities, it's about jointly creating a project for the future.

Platforms are copyable, as well as their content or teachers. But the communities are uncopyable.

With all this, we have adapted and we can conclude that Tutellus is no longer a platform:

Tutellus is the crypto community where you can learn, develop and invest in tokenized projects.


2. The evolution of the company through its logo

Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-10 a las 20.32.19

This image speaks for itself. We started with the first 2 versions (2012), which denote a complete estatapero component and some "not very clear" ideas of where we wanted to go. 😅

The 3rd logo (2014) is already professional and has represented us for many years. Certain values ​​and the spirit of the brand and platform can be appreciated in it: personalization and its own stamp, collaborative economy and video training. Thank you Anita and Pancho (❤️) from Freeland, it was your doing.

We premiered the 4th logo in 2018 when we wanted to print fresh air by positioning ourselves in the crypto world: we keep the 3 groups of users of the platform (Students, Teachers and Affiliates) linked to each other, with a "PLAY" in the middle that unites. Thank you, Karolina, it was your doing. 🙂

And the 5th and last logo, the current version, has a much deeper journey and represents the 3 large blocks that make up the community (which we will see later), and which the Floc team will present in a spectacular post shortly. Thank you Sergio for the work, brutal. 🔥🚀

3. The trip of the Tutelliano.

Nueva Home Tutellus

We use the common thread of the JOURNEY to describe the new Tutellus. Every journey begins with learning, but as we said before, Tutellus is much more than a learning experience. Based on this reason we have created 3 sub-brands that define our business model very well;

  • Tutellus TRAINING: to learn whatever you want, although with a strong crypto component.
  • Tutellus BUILDERS: to develop tokenized and crypto projects for our students.
  • Tutellus VENTURES: to invest and value previous projects.

With this vision, we are closer to a Venture Builder (which incorporates training) than a learning platform. And I refer to the facts: we have launched through the Community 10 projects, 7 companies and 8 tokens with a total capitalization of more than $400 million. What is said soon?

As a curiosity, each of the blocks that make up Tutellus (that is, each of the 3 sub-brands) uses unique colours to identify itself: blue, magenta and green. Each section of the web or each sub-product, of course, follows this trend.

4. The TUT token as an amalgam by and for the Community.

Web TUT Tutellus

We use, in this new rebranding, the acronym "Tutellus Unlimited Travels" to refer to the unlimited capacity of a Tutelliano to continue learning, building and investing: it is a virtuous circle that only works for your benefit. When we launched the TUT on October 14, 2021, we were clear that we would do something for the Community: if Tutellus is a Community, we could not go against our principles and take advantage of ourselves from a more personal point of view.

And how is this demonstrated with deeds, not words? very easy:

  • We only dedicate 5% of the tokens for sale.
  • We only dedicate 3% of the tokens to the team (when it is normally around 15%).
  • We dedicate more than 80% of the tokens to incentives for the Community.

And of course, all the information is public, you have both the published smart contracts and the Tokenomics and the econometric model that governs the economy of the token in the Whitepaper.

The TUT is used both to access training and to invest in the companies that we launch through the Launchpad, among many other things. Our job is to create and implement new uses to naturally increase buying pressure and keep the token capturing value.

And this point is important: while BTC or the crypto market has lost approx. 60% of the value (since we launched the token), the TUT has grown 40% in the same time. We must be doing something right.

5. The dAPP, coexisting with the APP and thinking of a future unique Application.

dAPP Tutellus

Today the user learns or teaches in the APP ( and interacts with the token through Web3 services in the dAPP ( Both applications will tend to be unified, but this is a long way to go as the user understands the world of decentralization and the usefulness of the token. We have given these months (after the launch) a lot of life to the dAPP and the next few months we will be more focused on renewing the APP, which is already asking for it.

6. People, the Community, are the protagonists.

Formación Blockchain cripto Tutellus

It doesn't matter if we talk about the TUT Whitelabel, Bootcamps or anything else. Visually we use people -and not more abstract elements- to refer to our products and services. It is simply one more resource that we use to once again extol human and Community values ​​above the rest.

7. Conclusions.

This new Tutellus is the result of about 18 months of work. Many thanks to the Floc team for the ideation and solid design base and of course to the Tutellus teki team (Design, UX and Frontenders) for making it possible.

We follow!


Tutellus Logo

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