Masterclass GRATIS: Cripto sin miedo – Descubre Bitcoin y Tokenización.  Martes 28/1  📅 7 PM 🇪🇸

The TUT, present at the Mobile World Congress

The TUT, present at the Mobile World Congress


On Wednesday 2 March, Miguel Caballero, CEO of Tutellus, and Xavi Armengol, the community's dynamizer, presented Tutellus' raison d'être at the biggest business event of the year.

Tutellus was invited to the Mobile World Congress, where we were able to present the Tutellus business model and everything we have achieved so far.

The presentation was at the Ed Tech stadium and we had the need to introduce the basic concepts of crypto to the attendees, so that they would understand our vision. This tells us that with crypto on everyone's lips, we are at an early stage of adoption.

From Tutellus, we are committed to spreading the knowledge and possibilities that the Blockchain gives us, and of course, we differentiate ourselves from the rest by our greatest added value; the Tutellian community. Miguel not only presented the raison d'être of Tutellus, but also explained how we have been able to create a community in constant growth. And how do we do it? By putting it at the centre of everything, the most important element. 


TUT token filling Ed Tech stadium #4YFN

We are all familiar with the TUT token and its functionalities. However, large corporations still have no idea of the value that a token can bring them. Nor do they understand the impact of a token backed by an active and liquid community. We explained why it is essential to generate a real economy around your own token and that your token holders are incentivised at all times, as we explained in detail in our Bootcamp on Tokenisation. We believe that soon many large companies will require professionals trained in this field to develop their own tokenised economies and incentive systems (a path that we facilitate using our "TUT whitelabel").

Once we explained the fundamentals, we told them what the most important advantages of our value proposition were over those of our competitors. We had excellent feedback and many people interested in knowing more about us. Many new tutellianos will join us soon and new powerful alliances are in the process of maturing.

Here is a video of the day's event:

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Thank you all for your support - we're moving on!

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