¡Abrimos plazas para el nuevo TALLER 100X!
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Tutos in IDO: Tutellians together we achieve more

Tutos in IDO: Tutellians together we achieve more


I have always thought that to be at the height of a crypto community like this one, you have to know how to adapt. Adapt to the needs of the tutellians, to the moment and context and above all to the practice. To energize such a powerful community, as is the tutelliana, you have to know how to reinvent yourself and bring new things. And this is exactly what we wanted to do...

Together we achieve more

So far, I am in charge of energizing the community by making challenges in different protocols, crypto cafes, support in any aspect, etc., but now I wanted to take it to the next level.

Tutellians share crypto information, experiences, jobs, new protocols... but we do not share investment. So far, we don't invest in something together. And there are many barriers to entry that together we can break down. Just as being on Discord benefits us by getting different views, opinions and ideas it also benefits us to be in an investment together.

IDO Launchpad

I am referring to contributing an equitable amount and investing with that higher amount. Thus breaking many entry barriers in protocols that require a high amount of staking to enter. 

Ok but... what does Tutos in IDO mean?

Apart from being a scary name, it defines the product to invest in. Yes sir, what I am proposing is to participate in IDOs all together. Initial Dex Offering (IDO): buying the token at a "private sale" price. Currently, in order to participate in an IDO we may have to deposit 10k. 

Hence the name Tutos in IDO "All (Tutellians) in IDO''.

Fundamental Investment Principles | Our socio-ethical principles | The  bottom-line of our investments - ACTIAM

How to join Tutos in IDO

We do not want to leave anyone behind and we are aware that this proposal is very popular. Although we want to make it clear that this is the first time we are proposing something like this and that, therefore, we consider it a pilot test, we want as many of you as possible to participate. We have prepared a mandatory document for all those interested in participating. These are the points it contains:

Disclaimer: this service is only available to Tutellians, it is not a public service. You must do or have done a Bootcamp to become a Tutellian.

  1. Project research: Each IDO is a different protocol so it is very important that everyone does their own research (DYOR).
  2. KYC: Regardless of the need to connect only one wallet to participate in the IDO, we must all be fiscally responsible for our contribution. That is why in each Launchpad (if required) we will have to identify ourselves. The KYC is available in the document.
  3. Private group in Discord: We will create a private channel called Tutos in IDO, where we will enter all the participants that their KYC is already verified and their deposit sent.
  4. Questions and answers session: We will bring people who are familiar with Launchpad and already have more experience to help us. Both in the process and in the doubts we may have at the beginning. We will do a couple of sessions and these will be recorded.

No broker, no fund manager

It is very important to understand this last detail. As you will understand, Xavi (server) does not charge any commission for being aware of the new IDOs, so he should not be attributed the role of manager or broker. He does not manage the deposited fund, we all manage it. For now, it is only the one who has the wallet connected and has access to the IDOs. However, this function can be transferred without any problem to all participants who agree.

We are looking forward to testing this new proposal for the community. After a few months, we will evaluate the results of this pilot.

Let's go for it!

Tutellus has not carried out any investment risk study and is not responsible for the outcome of the investment. This document reflects a proposal and will of the community to invest collectively, completely unrelated to Tutellus as a company. This participation is of free choice. Each member must understand the risk and characteristics involved. Under no circumstances are results guaranteed. We invest in high risk DeFi protocols.


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